After upgrading to Windows 10, MagicDisc was gone and incompatible with it according to Microsoft. After trial and error; I can confirm this is not the case and MagicDisc is fully compatible with Windows 10. You just need to go through several hoops to get it to run.
UPDATE 2017-04-03: THIS FIX STILL WORKS!! Even for the Creators Update.
Microsoft Office Language Pack 2007. First, the set-up is broken since it uses some old installer technology which Microsoft has blocked with Windows 10. Only the set-up is broken, the only files you need are the exe and the driver, nothing more. I've mirrored the.exe and required files on in case anyone is looking for them. (In case MEGA vanishes like Megaupload did, just let me know and I'll reupload elsewhere). These files are identical to the ones from my personal Program Files folder and have not been modified in any way. In case the virtual drive/device shows up in My Computer or in Device Manager, you do not have to follow steps 3 - 6.
MagicDisc allows you to create virtual CD/DVD drives and create virtual CD/DVD images that can work exactly. Magicdisc for windows 8.1 64 bit; Magic iso for mac. Free power iso download pc 64 bit. Maintain the ISO bootable. Have the power to make. A Windows 7/8.1/10 ISO disc image.
Update 20160810: MagicISO broke again with the major OS upgrade, the Anniversary Update. This seems to be happening after every major Windows 10 upgrade (1024 → 1511 → 1607 → 1703 ) It may show up as an Unknown Device without any driver installed with *mcdbusdevice listed in details. You will need to re-do the steps below, including 3 - 6.
Steps to get MagicDisc to work in Windows 10: •. This contains MagicDiscs exe and driver files, copied and zipped (well, rarred) straight from my Windows 7 computer. Or, they might be in Program Files under Windows.old if you have upgraded to Windows 10 in the past 30 days. • Put the files in C: Program Files (x86) MagicDisc, create the MagicDisc folder if it no longer exists. • (MagicDisc's driver isn't digitally signed) (or, if you know how, SHIFT-reboot and use option 7 in the list, it should be labeled as such) • Open Device Manager (WIN+R: devmgmt.msc) • Click the top most entry. This should be labeled as your computer's name.
• Click Action ->Add Legacy Hardware. Hit Next, Install manually (second option), Show All Devices ->Next ->Have Disk ->C: Program Files (x86) MagicDisc. If it complains about the driver not being cryptographically signed (or 'The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.'