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CICS - Sample COBOL CICS Program RAMESH KRISHNA REDDY DRONA SERIES CICS TUTORIAL / STUDY MATERIAL CHAPTER - 3 Sample CICS Program INTRODUCTION Writing CICS programs --------------------- We write CICS program in much the same way as you write any other program. You can use COBOL, OO COBOL, C, C++, PL/I, or assembler language to write CICS application programs.

Download Sample Programs In Cics Cobol

Most of the processing logic is expressed in standard language statements, but you use CICS commands for some functions. Now, Let us write simple CICS program Requirement: Task 1 - CICS program to accept input from terminal Task 2 - prefix string 'OUTPUT: ' to the input data send it back to the modified data to terminal Program: IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. * ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE DIVISION. * 01 WS-INPUT.

Join the more than 150,000 programmers who have learned CICS using our CICS books alone. Now, our two-part CICS for the COBOL Programmer has been revised into a. About the Tutorial CICS stands for Customer Information Control System. CICS was developed in. CICS programs can be written in COBOL, C, C++, Java, etc. Common COBOL/VSE Applications for Use in CICS. The COBOL/VSE sample program used in this article case study is. I have written a sample program in COBOL involving DB2 and CICS/TS. How do I make the program run i.e.

05 WS-TRAN-ID PIC X(4). 05 WS-MESSAGE-I PIC X(70). * 01 WS-OUTPUT. Autocad Mechanical 2011 Crack Keygen Pc. 05 WS-TEXT PIC X(8).

Setting Torrent Cepat Photoshop. 05 WS-MESSAGE-O PIC X(70). * 01 WS-MSG-LENGTH PIC S9(4) COMP.


------- (4) MOVE 78 TO WS-MSG-LENGTH. Aspen Line Constants Program Software more. ------- (5) * EXEC CICS SEND ------- (6) FROM(WS-OUTPUT) LENGTH(WS-MSG-LENGTH) ERASE END-EXEC. * EXEC CICS RETURN ------- (7) END-EXEC.

------- (8) * © www.mainframegurukul.com Explanination - (1) Moving 74 to WS-MSG-LENGTH, ie., we are expecting 74 bytes of input data from the terminal (2) All CICS commands embedded in COBOL program must be between EXEC CICS & END-EXECtags. Observe the RECEIVE command started with EXEC CICS & ended with END-EXEC tag.

Using this RECEIVE CICS command, program can able to get the data passed from terminal. There are two options used in this command. A) INTO - received data will be placed into WS-INPUT variable b) LENGTH - length of the data we are expecting to receive (3) Moving input data to part of output variable. If you observe one thing here, we are not move WS-INPUT to WS-OUPUT, Why because, In WS-INPUT, first 4 bytes is transactionID, which is used by CICS to identify our program to execute. Rest of the data we are passing to second part of output variable, first part of output variable contains the value 'OUTPUT:' in it. (4) Now our task is to add 'OUTPUT:' string to received data. For that we are moving 'OUPUT:' string to WS-TEXT which is part of output variable WS-OUTPUT.