Smartcast RF30 Humminbird. Smartcast RF30 includes the Wrist Mount, 1 'A' Sensor, and a manual. Also available is the Smartcast RF30 SMARTPACK. View and Download Humminbird RF30 SmartCast operation manual online. Universal Extractor Archiver. Humminbird RF30: Operations Manual. RF30 SmartCast Fish Finder pdf manual download.
® 531348-1_A Thank you for choosing Humminbird, America's #1 name in fishfinders. Humminbird® has built its reputation by designing and manufacturing top-quality, thoroughly reliable marine equipment. Your Humminbird® is designed for trouble-free use in even the harshest marine environment. In the unlikely event that your Humminbird® does require repairs, we offer an exclusive Service Policyfree of charge during the first six months after purchase, and available at a reasonable rate after the six month period. ] When a menu choice is on the display, use the RIGHT and LEFT Cursor buttons to adjust the menu settings. Menus are automatically removed from the display after several seconds. Understanding the Advanced RSS The Advanced RSS provides the following functionality: Water Surface Temperature Blinking Light for nighttime use A/B Channel Select.
You must manually program the Advanced RSS in order to turn the light on or off or to change the RSS channel setting to A or B. Default settings on new products are Light = OFF and Channel = A. Your finger should be moist, but not dripping, before you touch the Wet SwitchTM. You can achieve the correct dampness by dipping your finger in water, then dabbing your finger twice on a towel.

A 'touch' means touching both wet switch contacts at the same time with your moistened finger, using medium pressure. The time between touches needs to be one second or less. NOTE: Your finger must make contact with both of the wet switch pins simultaneously in order to tap them successfully. Operational Modes The RSSTM can be used in two distinct ways: Sonar Graph: The RSSTM can be used to create a sonar graph of the bottom.
Cast the RSSTMinto the water beyond an area of interest, then reel in the RSSTM at a slow and steady rate. The digital display will provide precise information for bottom contour, depth and structure below the RSSTM.
Fish and bait fish will be displayed when detected. See the procedures that follow for specific instructions on turning the light on or off or changing the channel from A to B. Start-Up in Simulator Mode To enter Simulator mode, press the POWER-MENU button to turn on the RF35, wait until you see the Start-up screen, then quickly press the RIGHT Cursor Button. Once you are in Simulator mode, the display will show the word Simulate, and then, after two seconds, will show simulated data. To exit Simulator mode, you must power down the RF35.
Turning on the Advanced RSS Blinking Light To turn on the blinking nighttime fishing light: 1. Wet your finger and tap the wet switch on the Advanced RSS three times (the time between touches needs to be one second or less) to enter the Light programming mode.
The temperature reading on the Control Head will change to show a temperature reading of 40°F (4°C) (blinking light OFF). Sensitivity Press the POWER-MENU button until SENSITIVITY appears. Select a higher number to show weaker sonar returns on the display, or a lower number to remove clutter from the display.