Bonjour, Nous avons besoin d'acc�der et de mettre � jour des donn�es h�berg�es sur un serveur HF C/S en version 12 (55n ou 56c) � partir d'une application en VBA (sous Excel) Comment installer les pilotes ODBC pour Hyper file sur un PC n'ayant pas Windev d'install�? Ce tutoriel ne fonctionne pas! O� t�l�charger le prog d'installation de ces pilotes pour la version 12? Sur mon PC de d�veloppement, j'ai bien le pilote mais la copie des fichiers WDxxxODH, ODS et HFO dans le system32 du PC client puis l'export et l'import de la clef 'Hyper File 7' de la base de registre ne permet pas l'installation du pilote ODBC!
Les chemins sont ok, le pc reboot�. Qu'ai-je oubli�? 27.10.09 9:51.
Installer Odbc Hyperfile Sans Windev. Copier le fichier d Comment installer les pilotes ODBC pour Hyper file sur un PC n'ayant pas Windev d'install? Installer Odbc Hyperfile Sans Windev. Copier le fichier d Comment installer les pilotes ODBC pour Hyper file sur un PC n'ayant pas Windev d'install? Comment installer les pilotes ODBC pour Hyper file sur un PC. Windev 7.5 Installer odbc hyperfile sans windev. TDF Tech 2012 - PCSOFT - Windev. SQLConnect (Function). (setup performed by WINDEV or WEBDEV when installing the application). HYPER FILE HYPER FILE. Versions 21 and later.
New in version 20 The ODBC driver for HFSQL Classic and HFSQL Client/Server is an ODBC driver of level 3. The ODBC driver offers several additional features such as: • better support for the UNICODE standard, • support for transactions, • multiple bookmarks on the tables, • search by wildcard on the schema tables, • management of cursors by block. The ODBC driver for HFSQL Classic and HFSQL Client/Server is an ODBC driver of level 3. The ODBC driver offers several additional features such as: • better support for the UNICODE standard, • support for transactions, • multiple bookmarks on the tables, • search by wildcard on the schema tables, • management of cursors by block. See a specific documentation for more details. To use the ODBC driver for HFSQL Classic or Client/Server: • Start the administrator of ODBC data (ODBCAD32.EXE) on your computer. To do so, select 'Start.
Eviews 9 Full Version. Run' from Windows and type 'ODBCAD32.EXE'. Note: In Windows Vista (or higher) in 64 bits, start 'c: windows syswow64 odbcad32.exe'. • Select the 'User database' tab. • Click the 'Add' button.
• Select the 'HyperFileSQL' driver. • Click 'Done'. • Enter the name of the HFSQL data source. This name will be used to identify the HFSQL database in the external programs. • Click the 'Details' button.
• Use the browse buttons to select the WDD file corresponding to the analysis. • In the list of analyses, select the requested analysis and validate.
• If the database is in 'HFSQL Classic' format, check 'HyperFileSQL Classic' and select the directory of the data files via the browse button. All the HFSQL Classic data files corresponding to the selected analysis are grouped in this directory. Caution: a file directory must be selected for each analysis. Validate ('OK' button). If the database is in 'HFSQL Classic' format, check 'HFSQL Classic' and select the directory of the data files via the browse button. All the HFSQL Classic data files corresponding to the selected analysis are grouped in this directory.