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Touchgrind Bmx Demo. Today’s students have sensibilities and needs that are very different from those of even ten years ago. Visual and auditory media have changed dramatically in recent years; most text programs have not kept pace with these changes. Portafolio addresses these changes by offering students a visually and aurally innovative and exciting introductory Spanish program. The design of Portafolio is colorful, lively and easy-to-navigate; the program includes an array of video, audio and print components, integrated into the text in a variety of ways to address individual learning styles; and the program is available in an innovative two-volume soft-cover format, which allows students to purchase only the portion they are using in the current semester. Portafolio-to-Go is a special link on the Portafolio Online Learning Center www.mhhe.com/portafolio that houses downloadable digital assets.