Side note: The first time you log in to live using the Beta Wrath client, you will save to the server all of your keybindings, macros, etc, from that Wrath Beta client. Wrath Beta patch notes: Priest. I won't know until I get my hands on the Beta client. Hungry for more Wrath of the Lich King Beta news?
These have been updated as of 07/20/11. Is the update notes.
Side Note 1: (Added 1/6/11)- I’ve noticed quite a bit of people downloading this, which is great! Please feel free to leave feedback on this so I can make it a better setting! 🙂 Side Note 2: (Added 1/6/11)- I’ve updated Wrath of Zombie and it is now located.
I know that the link will be changed soon on Savage Heroes as well! I’ve gotten some really good feedback lately on my Wrath of Zombie campaign setting. I would like to give a big thank you to J Gregory who gave some really well thought out criticism.
So first, I have a new Wrath of Zombie Beta Test Book and Enemy Sheet that is complete with artwork. Thanks again to my girlfriend Angie, and my friend Anonymous who agreed to do artwork for this project!
I’ve also added a new Zombies archetype with three variant flavors to the Enemy Sheet! I’ve done the layout myself, and would like feedback on the location of the pictures and etc, but be gentle because this is the first time I’ve really done anything like this.
I will be doing a printer friendly version soon as well! All Wrath of Zombie files have been moved to.
Now J Gregory’s critique was damned fine and I figured the best way to explain this was to break his thoughts down and explain stuff. So here we go: Character creation: 6 Attribute Pts – I like the mechanic, but find the justification far fetched (ie affected by radiation). Why not just say “only the fittest have survived this long”?
I never considered this. A good point and something I will consider. Visual Boy Advance Link 1.8 Emulator Download Mac. I guess I just went to the normal “comic book ideology” of radiation makes up stronger humans, etc. Heroic End – this is a cool concept, but I think you need to flesh it out a little bit. How do you have a heroic end when you die from a failed Infection roll in a public restroom? Maybe this could be a (Background?) Edge: you were just destined to go down fighting (if you have the Edge and die from infection, the PC is allowed to play on until the next zombie encounter). Originally Heroic End was an edge, but after discussion on the Pinnacle Forums there was debate on who would take heroic end as an edge, and also the fact that Wrath of Zombie© is a tad more dangerous and brutal than a normal Savage Worlds game and as such, the players deserved one last action to be a bad ass.
I feel that this is a way to make up for the player never really getting to hold on to a character. This mechanic lets every player have a cinematic moment before biting it big. While I think J Gregory’s example is valid, I think that would be a minority of happenstance. I also think that the GM would be more than willing to work with the player to allow them a proper Heroic End in this example. Dead Weight – This seems like a pretty unattractive Hindrance to me (maybe it’s the name – it feels hard to care about someone if they’re just a dead weight).
You could soften this to ‘Dependent’ (ie wife, child) and allow them to have some useful non-combat skills, just not quite useful enough to offset the strain of looking after them day-to-day. *Note – I’ve just read that this actually was Dependant, and was changed. Oh well, to each their own* Ahh. This hindrance does need some reworking and I haven’t gotten to that yet. As noted it originally called Dependant, however I was notified by Pinnacle that it was too close to the Dependant Hindrance from another of their licensed products, so it needed to be altered.
This was a suggestion that was given to me as an alternative. I liked the feel of the Hindrance, but it may be a little too brutal. As far as the name, I think that it was chosen more for humor than anything, much like calling a spouse a ball and chain.
Money: Chits – I don’t really see the need for this: in a post apoc world where most are reduced to foraging, would we really revert to using currency? I’d be more inclined to stick to a dollar value for items, but make all transactions either traded or worked for. It’s hard to imagine ordinary metals being that scarce that they would become a currency unit. Or, you could make the bullets themselves the currency. This could create some interesting choices for PCs: do I barter away the resource that I need to protect my life? Likewise, petrol: maybe a gallon of fuel = 10 bullets. I honestly thought about doing the bullet route when I was creating Wrath of Zombie© or haggling.
Download Kmspico V9 0 5 20131110 Rc Edition Software. I think I would be more inclined to go the haggling route rather than bullets. I can see many players getting frustrated (beyond what is necessary) by having to give up bullets for something. Haggling and missions and favors would add quite a bit of flavor. Powers: Invisibility/Obscure – these are just too Arcane/Fantastic for use in this setting, IMO.