Monitor and Analyze Your Serial Ports and Hardware Devices Free Serial Port Monitor allows you to intercept, display and analyze all data exchanged between the Windows application and the serial device. It can be successfully used in application development, device driver or serial hardware development and offers the powerful platform for effective coding, testing and optimization. This product, which is developed by professionals in the area of serial port communications, will help you to save time, money and precious nerves, as it already helped.
We will take care of monotonic digging in protocols and data flows. Concentrate your brilliant skills on your project, do your job with pleasure!
RS232 Port Logger Log and analyze serial port. What's great about this program. With Serial Port Monitor by Eltima Software I have easily managed to. Serial Port Utility is a professional communication software for serial port. Serialport Utility makes it more efficient for development of hardware-software.
Windows program that monitors and sets the status of any of the handshaking lines on a COM port. Itunes 32 Setup. PortStat can be used to turn switches on and off under program control or can be used to monitor the voltage on any of the handshaking lines in a serial port. For example you could use PortStat to force another application, like Excel, to run a macro when the voltage on a serial port line changes state. You could also use it to turn a switch on or off directly from within Excel, Access or any other program that supports Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). Extremely useful DOS based serial I/O debug/diagnostic software. Can also be used as a simple data logger. ComShow displays all data received through a serial port so you can easily determine exactly what a device is transmitting.
Unlike terminal programs, ComShow displays all characters that are received including carriage returns, linefeeds and all other control codes embedded in a serial data stream. ComShow also has output capabilities as well as the ability to manually set the states of all hardware handshaking lines.