The Boondocks Ita. Dajjal aur Alamat-e-Qayamat ki Kitab by Hafiz Imran Ayub Lahori. This book is likewise as intrigued as different books on Dajjal.
• • • • • Fiqh-ul-Hadith: Urdu Only By Hafiz Imran Ayub Lahori Research: Hardback 2 Volumes Set Volume 1: 752 Pages Volume 2: 816 Pages Publisher: Fiqh ul Hadith Publications Al-Kitab International Islami Tarz-e-Zindagi Ke Mutalliq Fiqhi Ahkam Wa Masail, Imam shawkani ki Fiqh ki Ma'ruf Kitaab Al-Durar Al-Bahiyyah Ka Tarjama Wa Tashrih Ma'ahu Takhrij. (Translation of the book of Fiqhi Issues and Commandments 'Al-Durar Al-Bahiyyah'by Imam Shawkani regarding to islamic style of life.) About The Book The aforementioned book is the translation of the most prominent book by Imam Shawkani 'Al-Durar Al-Bahiyyah' That is matn of fiqh which has the distinction of giving directly the dominant speech in the different issues of fiqh, without following any particular Madhhab. About The Author, the surname 'ash-Shawkani' is derived from Hijrah ash-Shawkan, which is a town outside San'a. Born into a Zaydi Shi'a Muslim family, ash-Shawkani later on called for a return to the textual sources of the Quran and hadith. He viewed himself as a mujtahid, or authority to whom others in the Muslim community had to defer in details of religious law. Of his work issuing fatwas, ash-Shawkani stated 'I acquired knowledge without a price and I wanted to give it thus.