Futura Round is a typeface designed by Paul Renner, and is available for Desktop, Web, App, ePub, and Server. Try, buy and download these fonts now!
About This Font Futura is a geometric sans-serif typeface designed between 1924 and 1926 by Paul Renner. It is based on geometric shapes that became representative visual elements of the Bauhaus design style of 1919–1933. Foxit[1] Pdf Editor V2.1.0.0702 Incl Keymaker And Patch-core Software.
Commissioned by the Bauer type foundry, Futura was commercially released in 1927. The family was originally published in Light, Medium, Bold, and Bold Oblique fonts in 1928. Light Oblique, Medium Oblique, Demibold, and Demibold Oblique fonts were later released in 1930. Book font was released in 1932. Book Oblique font was released in 1939. Extra Bold font was designed by Edwin W.
Shaar in 1952. Extra Bold Italic font was designed in 1955 by Edwin W. Shaar and Tommy Thompson. Futura has an appearance of efficiency and forwardness. The typeface is derived from simple geometric forms (near-perfect circles, triangles and squares) and is based on strokes of near-even weight, which are low in contrast. (This is most visible in the almost perfectly round stroke of the o, but the shape is actually slightly ovoid.) In designing Futura, Renner avoided the decorative, eliminating non-essential elements. The lowercase has tall ascenders, which rise above the cap line.
The uppercase characters present proportions similar to those of classical roman capitals. Futura's success spawned a range of new geometric sans-serif typefaces from competing foundries, and remains one of the most used sans-serif types into the twenty-first century. Futura remains an important typeface family and is used on a daily basis for print and digital purposes as both a headline and body font.
The very name brings to mind jet-age splendor of the highest order, and indeed the text on the commemorative plaque left behind on the Moon by the Apollo 11 astronauts in July, 1969 is set in Futura. There is no other font that can do what it does with the same impact. You might say Futura is to Helvetica as driving a Porsche is to driving a Toyota--they both get you there, but the former does it with so much more fun. Futura was designed by type design luminary Paul Renner, and is used extensively in advertising and logo design, by IKEA, Volkswagen, Shell, HP and many more. Used in any headline or body situation, Futura can bring you all the magic, promise and forward-looking sans power in an iconic and powerful way, as director Stanley Kubrick knew--it was his favorite font. Commissioned by the Bauer type foundry, Futura was commercially released in 1927. • Until now, the system would only treat combinations of words, spaces and hyphens specifically.
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