El arte de probar el Software PRINCIPIOS DE Read more about prueba, programa, errores, casos, probar and caso. El arte de probar el Software PRINCIPIOS DE Read more about prueba, programa, errores, casos, probar and caso.
For the case of the software we use today, the information outside the specification is increasing. For quality assurance purposes, it would be desirable to integrate the analysis of software and hardware components with testing. In this paper, we propose a fault-based approach for generating test cases, thus overcoming the limitations of specification-based approaches that derive from the intrinsic incompleteness of the specification, and from the focus of specifications on correct behaviors, rather than potential faults. We use Fault Tree Analysis to determine how certain undesirable states can occur in a system.
The results of the analysis expressed in terms of Duration Calculus are integrated with statechart based specifications. As a result, we obtain a testing model that provides a representation of the way the system behavior can be compromised by failures or abnormal conditions or interactions. In this way we can automatically derive fault-based test cases from this model.
Mastamind Themindzi Rar more. This work examines algebraic-specification based testing with particular attention to the approach reported by Gilles Bernot, Marie Claude Gaudel and Bruno Marre [1], and defines a framework to apply this approach in a development using RAISE (Rigorous Approach to Industrial Software Development) [2]. We consider the generation of test cases, not only from the initial specification but also additions and revisions to them arising from development. We also investigate planning issues and development of test drivers.