When I moved to South Carolina two days before my fifth grade year, I was uprooted from a public school in Michigan to a small, Catholic school in the South. On top of that, half of my family stayed. Behind for a couple of weeks, making the big move even harder on a 10 year old girl. Without even knowing me, all my teachers and classmates at St. Anthony's welcomed me with open arms, and nurtured me through what, to a middle school girl, seemed like the end of the world. Being an introverte d child, I was blessed to be able to go to a school where I could develop relationsh ips with every single one of my classmates and teachers. Each one of my teachers, with different personalit ies and teaching styles, taught me something different. Install Activex Webrec Cab S there.
At Central Preschool our curriculum program begins at birth. Our 3K and 4K children work towards achieving expressive language. Florence, South Carolina 29501. Participating programs will have the option of 4 different program delivery models: Option A: A standard 180 day school year, operating 6.5 hours daily. Option B*: An extended day model in which the instructional program will operate for 180 days at 8.5 hours daily.
Odom taught me that love and an extraordin ary amount of patience are the best tools to have when navigating through life. Pasley's tough love and personal advice prepared me for high school. I still take her words with me as a college senior. Lekovich helped each one of us navigate our awkward middle school years, and always highlighte d our best qualities. Not only did these teachers pour their hearts into helping me shine, I am blessed to watch them do the same to my little brother, who is currently in the 7th grade.

While I only attended this special school from 5-8th grade, my little brothers grew up here. I was able to watch their teachers treat them with patience and love, and help them mature into the young men they are. When I come home during breaks from school, each one of them still calls me by name, asks how I am and what I'm up to, and wishes me well. That's family.
What makes St. Anthony's such a great school? The fact that, no matter how old you are, you can always come back and feel at home.